Sunday, August 28, 2005

A weekend to Relax.

It's a wonderful Sunday morning. It's remained cool in the mornings and that makes my morning walk with Shadow that much more enjoyable.

Yesterday was a rather busy day, but not super productive. I enjoyed some relaxing, and played a little golf. I will have to get some things done here today, but those are all minor things that won't take up too much time. They are mostly small projects that have been shuffled to the bottom of the stack for a while now. It seems that there are an endless line of them, all clamoring for my attention.

I have several things I need to write about here, not the least of which is the Able Danger story. I see a lot of Monday Morning Quarterbacking going on by people who should know better. I'll try to gather my thoughts together and put something up on that later today.

Meanwhile, it's back to the coffee pot, and see if I can find some breakfast here.

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