Wednesday, August 31, 2005

News from Home

I have posted the link above to the newspaper for the town just south of where I lived as a child. The stories there are some that make me proud. The story of the men banding together and clearing the roadways of trees and meeting the power companies coming the other way are what make me proud to say I'm from Mississippi. Not tales of waiting on someone else to help them. They got out and did the job themselves. That is what we as a society need to see on a daily basis. The government can help, but things will go quicker if we help ourselves.

Hurray to my fellow Mississippians. I am truly proud to be one of you! God Bless and keep you safe one and all.


Listening to the reports coming out of New Orleans, and Biloxi, I wonder how long it will be before we hear reports of looters shot on sight.

The National Guard and police forces are stretched thin, and will be tasked with even more over the coming days. If a complete evacuation of the city is indeed ordered as seems likely, what to do with the scum of humanity who stay behind? Looters are nothing more than that. They prey upon those already visited with tragedy. I would not be surprised to hear of a young National Guard troop (or police officer) shooting looters who later turned out to be unarmed.

Yet there are reports now of looters in New Orleans firing upon the police. That is a very bad idea on their part. Once the National Guard's role switches from rescue to restoring order, the looters will find out just how bad an idea that really is indeed. I don't have the numbers in front of me now, but I'm pretty sure that among the National Guard are a large number of combat veteran troops from service in Iraq and Afghanistan who will have little pity on them. Shooting at a cop is one thing, but shooting at a combat hardened trooper is quite another.

This is indeed an epic moment in our nation's history. As we witness the events unfolding now, I wonder how the younger generation views this? Do they grasp the importance of what is happening? I must confess I am watching and taking it all in, but do not yet have a complete grasp of the whole thing yet. That type of reflection is best done after the thing, not during.

Katrina has come and now it's time to pick up the pieces.

Camille part 2 is appearing to be an understatement. To the best of my knowledge, a city the size of New Orleans has never been evacuated in our short history.

I still am hearing the same thing from people who don't understand the problem. Yes, President Bush has released some of the oil from our strategic reserves. That's a wonderful gesture, but still nothing more than that. The oil still needs to be refined and it's the refineries that were at the heart of the bottleneck before Katrina. OPEC could triple production, and line up tankers 25 deep at our ports, but without the refining capability, it won't have any real effect on supply.

Until more money is put into refining capabilities, we will see this issue time and time again. The problem is that it is not economically feasible to bring more refineries online now. Until the government makes it easier to build them, the oil companies will keep things as they are now. One of President Bush's initiatives was to take some of the military bases that are being closed and put refineries on them. That to me sounds like a workable idea.

Bill Gates 3 Me 0

Well, I'm still having issues with Outlook. I spent some time yesterday in three different live chat sessions with Franklin Covey technicians. I have to say that they were very helpful. They've given me some things to try and we'll have to see if that will solve the problems. Hopefully it will do the trick

Monday, August 29, 2005

Camille Part 2?

I'm listening to the news and it's sounding more and more like the hardest hit areas are once again the Biloxi/Gulfport area. This was the same area that was hammered in 1969 by Camille. To give some perspective on that (and why everyone compares the two), you could still see scaring from Camille in 1984.

Now, I have to say I'm not going to shed a tear at the loss of the casinos. Out of all the places in the United States to have gambling, Mississippi was the last place I would have expected to see it. I know that there is some history with the riverboat gambling. It still had me scratching my head at it's appearance there however. I will not stand on a soap box and preach the evils of gambling. I think that if you want to gamble away your life, be my guest. I was surprised to see it in my home state.

I don't think trying to call my friends and family in Jones County will do any good, as I doubt that there are phone lines, nor power available. I will keep them in my prayers, and try to contact them tomorrow.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Irony, thy name is Rap

I just can't let this one go! The irony of this is just beyond belief.
Let's see how this goes. A Rap mogul (whatever that's supposed to mean) is shot at an MTV awards party.

Katrina is Coming!

It's hurricane season and a storm that appears to dwarf Camille of 69 is bearing down on the Gulf coast. My prayers are with my family. While most of my family is inland from the coast, they will still feel the fury of Katrina. Being in a rural environment, you learn to be somewhat self-sufficient, but it is still not an easy thing to endure.

Batten down the hatches folks, and God Speed.

A weekend to Relax.

It's a wonderful Sunday morning. It's remained cool in the mornings and that makes my morning walk with Shadow that much more enjoyable.

Yesterday was a rather busy day, but not super productive. I enjoyed some relaxing, and played a little golf. I will have to get some things done here today, but those are all minor things that won't take up too much time. They are mostly small projects that have been shuffled to the bottom of the stack for a while now. It seems that there are an endless line of them, all clamoring for my attention.

I have several things I need to write about here, not the least of which is the Able Danger story. I see a lot of Monday Morning Quarterbacking going on by people who should know better. I'll try to gather my thoughts together and put something up on that later today.

Meanwhile, it's back to the coffee pot, and see if I can find some breakfast here.

Friday, August 26, 2005


It's been a long and challenging week here at the Bar Tab Ranch. For those of you unfamiliar with that, that is the name I've given my house (a ranch style house...get it?). That's also the title of my monthly newsletter that I send to friends and family.

While it has been challenging, it has also been productive. I've managed to turn some true problems into wonderful opportunities, and (hopefully if I did it right) add more business. Of course I will also have to sacrifice some much needed r&r to land some of it, but that is the price that will have to be paid. *sigh

One of my goals for the weekend is to (hopefully) put the Outlook problem to rest. The task folder within Outlook is not operating correctly and it's driving me up the wall. If the weather is going to be as bad as it looks, that will give me the opportunity to work on fixing it. Just the way I really wanted to spend my weekend.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

It's a backslide to the weekend!

It's Wednesday, and I'm backsliding to the weekend!

The question of the day is: Should the government be able to take your land through eminent domain for a shopping mall? How about a condo complex?

My answer is a resounding NO! If the government pays a fair price for land that is then used for a roadway, or public infrastructure, that's all well and good. However, to abuse it's powers to turn that property over to developers smells to high heaven. I can think of no rational explanation for allowing this to happen, and how the court system can justify this greed is beyond me.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Well, I am still battling Outlook for supremacy, and it is winning the battle. Add to that a sinus flare-up, and a jury summons, and you have the makings of a great day.

I was having problems with Outlook doubling tasks when I synchronized my Palm Pilot. I have since settled that issue, but now I am having troubles with the task folder itself. I am battling hard, but Bill Gates is a tough opponent.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

A Pooped Poop Monster

I didn't think I'd get a chance to post tonight, with the thunderstorms in the area. However, it seems like they are splitting up and going to the east and west of me. I can still hear the thunder but it is much more distant now.

I have my four-footed poop monster back! Of course, as soon as I went to pick him up, it started to rain. It couldn't have waited just 10 more minutes. sigh.

One of the things I brought back from Canada were two road hockey balls. Shadow loves the thing. He chased the ball until he was pooped, and he's now napping in the living room. Thanks Christine for the tip, and thanks to Scott for picking them up for me!

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Oh Canada!

Well the trip to and from Canada is almost over. Now all I have to do is get some house cleaning done on the notes from the meeting yesterday. Since my plane doesn't leave until 2:00 p.m. that shouldn't be a problem.

While there is high speed wireless access here in the hotel lobby and they advertise high speed in the rooms I couldn't find it. Anyway, I came in very late both Thursday and Friday nights, and just didn't feel up to trekking down to the lobby to check emails and update this thing.

It was a very productive meeting, but I'm still not convinced we couldn't do the whole thing over a web conference. The bonus was I got a chance to see the plant and the operations side of the house and the new product coming off of the machines looks really good. We should be able to gain some in roads to new customers with it, and that's the name of the game.

I have to see if I can find a post card for Christina. I didn't find one yesterday while I was in Canada (no time to look), so I'll see if I can find one today and send it out.

The flights from Greenville to Dulles and Dulles to Detroit were uneventful, and Independence Air was a good choice of airlines. The only downside was the terminal in dulles. It was not up to the usual standards I would expect at Dulles. I'm not sure why but it in terrible shape.
The bus driver for Avis was another bright spot. He was very courteous and helpful and that is worth writing Avis about. Signing on for the Avis preferred membership was probably one of the best travel decisions I've made. I have been a member for a number of years now, and being able to bypass the counter and go straight to my vehicle (or in this case have the bus drop me off in front of it) sure makes the process smoother.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

'twas the night before Canada

I'm getting things ready to leave for Canada tomorrow. As usual, I'm sure I'll be overpacking for the trip. I'm not sure I have it in me to pack lightly. I tend to pack for too many different scenarios.

You would think that I would have it down to a science. In a way I do, but since I'm taking my golf clubs, it makes no difference now. I'm going to have to check a bag anyway, so there's nothing to be gained by packing any more lightly.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Mondays and Mall Hell

Monday's come and Monday's go, but today seemed like it would never end. I managed to accomplish a number of things at the office but even so, it just seemed to drag on and on.

I ventured into the mall tonight for new dress shoes. There were so many new stores and stores that had changed I almost didn't recognize the place. I don't visit the mall that often anymore and when I do, it's get in and out as quickly as I can. I guess shopping just isn't my thing. But I did manage to get the shoes I was looking for, so mission accomplished.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

The scores have been posted!

Well I've sent out my monthly newsletter tonight. It wasn't as long nor as involved as it usually is, mainly because I keep this so well up to date. I might think about discontinuing the newsletter for this, but haven't decided that's the way I'd like to go yet.

I went to the par-3 golf course today after lunch and before the meeting at church to work on my irons and short game. I couldn't believe how hot it was out there. I must have sweated out a gallon of water on the course. But I managed to accomplish what I had set out as my goal, so I can't complain too much I suppose.

The meeting at the church went well. Pastor Perry Duggar explained the problems the church had been facing and the steps that they were taking to correct them. While I still have a few questions, I will save them for the leadership committee.

I will be traveling on Thursday of this week to Canada on business. I should be home by Saturday evening, so it's just a quick up and back event. I will get a chance to view the plant and see the operations, something I've been very anxious to do.


Yesterday was a day of both ups and downs, like a yo-yo.

It started with a great day of golf at Furman University. I played in the Keller-Williams tournament there. After my horrible outing at Southern Oaks at the end of July, I considered taking the rest of the tournament season off. But through perseverance and the help of some friends (and a good practice round at Carolina Springs on Thursday) I decided to play. While I didn't win, I played up to my potential. Except for one stumble coming home I would have had a shot at winning.

Then came the low. I knew I would have a tough time making it home by the start of the fantasy draft anyway, but with a rain delay during the tournament I didn't leave the course until almost 7:00 p.m. When I got home the draft was already well underway and cruising. Then I started having internet troubles as well. The end result was I managed to draft one player out of 14 and the computer chose the other 13. And to tell the truth, I didn't really want to draft the one player I did. Well, now it will be up to trades and good management of the team and see who's available to acquire off of waivers.

I suppose of that's the worst thing that happens to me this weekend, I really shouldn't complain. It was disappointing but it certainly isn't fatal. I'll just have to manage the pants off of the team I have.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Tight Schedules

The weekend has arrived!

Normally I will send out my newsletter on the 12th of the month. But as I have a busy weekend coming up, I will wait until Sunday night.

I will have a very tight schedule tomorrow. I have to be at the tournament by 12:00 or so, and then back here at the house no later than 7:00 p.m. if not before. The fantasy draft begins at seven, so the quicker I can get home the better.

I have been very lax this week updating this, but hopefully can do better on the weekend.

Two down, and one to go

Well the article for the FHGRR newsletter is off with the additional paragraphs. You should be able to see it here shortly.

I have also finished the Plumb Line article. I will post that link when I'm sure that the link is functional again.

That's two down, and one to go. Tonight I'll finish up my newsletter, and get it out to everyone.

Now for a nice relaxing weekend. If only my weekend would be relaxing this time. I have several things to do and more that really need to get done. Someone need to sell a weekend stretcher!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Short Shrift

I'm afraid this post will have to be short and succinct. We have the pesky thunderstorms hanging about again, and this time of year they are quick, violent and quite electrifying.

I've started working on my next speech for Toastmasters, and hope to have a good rough outline done tonight. I have the opening written and now need to flesh out the body and conclusion.

I have also been asked to add a paragraph or two to my article for the FHGRR newsletter. I will have to put my thinking cap back on, and see if I can bang out another couple tonight.

Somewhere in here I also have to update my newsletter to friends and family, write an article for the Plumb Line and get some practice in for this weekends golf tournament. There is no rest for the righteous I suppose.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


Frustration has begun to set in with me. I am having troubles synchronizing my hand held these days. It seems to be taking forever, and it's becoming annoying. I'm going to have to look into it deeper, but there just doesn't seem to be enough time. *sigh.

I see the NCAA has decided to weigh in on what a university can and can not name it's sports mascot. While I agree with groups who feel that they are offended by the name to protest and get a university to change it's wicked ways, what does the NCAA have to do with it? They have far more pressing issues that should come under their care. Gambling on sports, underage drinking, alumni shenanigans, these are all grist for the mill. But the FSU Seminoles? That's just a little too much of a stretch for me.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Big Corporate Culture

You have to love big corporate culture. Today I was saddled with a consultant who looked over my shoulder all day while I worked. Now I will withhold judgment until I hear his report, but why would you send a consultant to look over sales who doesn't have a sales background? It surely doesn't make a lot of sense to me. But I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt.

But on a brighter note, I'm listening to the pre-season, pre-game shows! It's not for real yet, but at least I can say the Panther's are undefeated!

Sunday, August 07, 2005

This has been a very busy weekend for me. I went yesterday to the movies, and did some shopping. Now shopping isn't my favorite thing to do, but it must be done. As it was also a tax-free weekend that made it an even better time to get some necessary shopping done.

I went with a friend to see Tim Burton's new take on an older tale. Charlie and the Chocolate factory was on, and we decided to give it a go. Now, I have to say I enjoyed myself, but what is it with Tim Burton and skeletons? They appear either subtly or overtly in all of his movies. The movie is recommended to you.

I have also written my article for inclusion in the Foothills Golden Retriever Rescue's bi-monthly newsletter. You can see the previous one here. This article is not quite as long as my first, but hopefully it will be as well received. Now that I have completed that task, I can turn my attention to my monthly newsletter, and an article for inclusion in the Plumb Line both of which are due this week.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Hurray for the weekend!

It's the weekend, and it couldn't have come sooner.

So the democratic bulldog (and some say hatchetman) James Carvelle got the better of Robert Novak. That's really unfortunate. I've watched James Carvelle in action on a number of occasions, He is a very intelligent man, who uses his knowlege of his opponent's weaknesses to his advantage better than most. The only person who can top him on a regular basis is his wife. Those two are fun to watch go at it.

I am headed to a fund raiser this morning with Shadow. Foothills Golden Retriever Rescue does this the first Saturday of every month. We went to our first one last month, and Shadow had a great time with all the people and dogs around, so we're going again. He's such a ham! He never misses a chance to be petted and fawned over.

Last night I had an old friend come into town for dinner. I haven't seen her in a couple of years, so it was a great chance to catch up on each other's lives. Dinner was good and the company was great!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Dinner, a late night and an AWOL post

I typed out a quick post this morning, and it has somehow gone AWOL. But the short and sweet of it was that I made it back last night from dinner with friends too late to post. Oh well.

Today was a very busy day today at the office. While sales weren't through the roof, I had more than enough to keep me occupied. Tomorrow I'm going to have to either take a longer lunch break or leave a little early to pick up some food for the poor ol' pooch. He is almost out.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Yep, it's now official. I am a year older. Yay. Hoorah. Therefore I am going to make this post short and sweet. I took the day off and went to the Panther's training camp, and had a blast. Then went to Bonnie Brae and walked 18 holes of golf. It's rather hot for that, and I'm now suffering for it. Oh well. At least it's good exercise.

Monday, August 01, 2005

It's a Great Time to be Alive

Why is it a great time to be alive? Why it's FOOTBALL SEASON OF COURSE!
Tomorrow is my birthday, so to celebrate, I'm taking the day off and going to see the Panthers at their training camp in Spartanburg, SC. I have been almost every year, and it's time to make my trip up.

In case you didn't know, I'm a huge Panthers fan! The team and I both came to the Carolina's at the same time, so it just seemed like a great fit. Even through the 1 and 15 season, I was a fan. Granted, a disappointed one, but a fan none the less. I'll be taking my camera, and hope to get some shots for the site, and my newsletter.

Speaking of my newsletter, I suppose it's getting time to start drafting this month's addition. I'll be adding a few new things to it, and might try a different format (if I can get it working in time). My goal is to get it out to everyone on or about the 12th of the month. I know that's an odd date, but it's also the same deadline for another newsletter for Walden Lodge.

I have done some more reading and was pointed to a great article. If you're interested in the Plame case, this is a great article with the words coming right from the source of the leak himself. The most telling part is found in the final paragraph. Take a couple of minutes and enjoy. I was pointed to the article by Dr. Jerry Pournelle's website. This is a site I visit daily and enjoy reading his views and the mail sent in by his readers (including some from me).