Monday, October 31, 2005


Well, I thought I would come home and go running.

OOPS! I forgot that it's Halloween and I have TONS of trick or treeters coming tonight! Shadow is going crazy and I'm giving out enough candy to keep the local dentists going until next year!

Loads of fun, and it's making me enjoy having the house that much more!

Sunday, October 30, 2005

The Panthers Win

Well today was a great day!

I got to sleep in thanks to the government. I made it to church and then off to play golf.

I had a very good day on the course today and came home to watch my Carolina Panthers really play well against the Minnesota Vikings.

To top it all off, I believe God has answered my prayers today. I've had some issues hanging over my head and today He answered my prayers.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Spinx 5k Run

I've finally had time to slow down today.

This morning started with my usual morning walk with Shadow. Just slightly over a mile and it was in the 30's!

After getting him settled, I changed clothes and headed downtown to run in the Run Fest downtown. This was my second 5k run, and it was a very brisk morning. I was a little worried about my performance, but I did just fine. However, I did have to come back to the house to pick up my runners number. In my haste to leave, I forgot it on the kitchen counter.

My unofficial time was 29:05. I am hoping that it was a little better than that, although I can't be too disappointed. My goal was 30 minutes and I managed to shave 2 full minutes off of my first 5k time. My work is starting to pay off!

While I was getting ready for the run, I found this passage and while it is out of context, it fit.
Hebrews 12:1 with perseverance the race marked before us. (NIV)

I also took the time to take Shadow up to the Foothills Golden Retriever Rescue's reunion in Paris Mountain State Park. There were a ton of dogs there and he had a blast. He was properly scolded for running away, and then loved on for being such a good dog. He was in heaven!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

A New Week Dawns

Ok, it doesn't quite dawn just yet, but it's not that far off.

Concerning the riots in Toledo and the Neo-nutsies.

The constitution acknowledges our right to free speech and freedom of association. Because that is so valuable a right, we must occasionally suffer through the silly utterances of fools. No matter how hateful that speech might be, no matter how foolish the ideas espoused, it is still their right to speak.

Those who bear the brunt of the neo-nutsies hate have every right to rebut their foolishness. By doing so however, you give legitimacy to the hate. The better play may have been to completely ignore them. The sum total of those spewing the filth was less than 30 (24 was the number I saw most). If that is the best that they can do, turning a deaf ear and blind eye to them would hasten their retreat into the dark and dusty corner of history where they belong. That is the hard road. That is the road less traveled.

The road that was traveled by some of the protesters puts a black eye on the whole sorry episode. Riots, looting and mayhem do not do their cause any good. Pelting ambulances with stones is not the path upon which they should have gone. More harm came to that community through the actions of a foolish few than from the hate filled speech of a tiny group of white supremacist.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Two entries, and both on the run.

I really didn't intend for this to be blog on running, but both of these posts are on running.

The circuit I run is 2 miles in length, with 3 good hills for variety. Tonight, rather than follow the program, I decided to break it up and just run the full 2 miles. My time wasn't exactly stellar (20 min), but with the difficulty of the hills I'm not really displeased.

I have had such a bad time this week with time. I was quite sure that the 5k run was this Saturday, but it is the 29th. Then for some unknown reason, I was convinced that today was Thursday. I'm really not sure where that came from either.

I have some thoughts on the riots in Toledo, OH. I will try to get them organized and up by tomorrow. The quick down and dirty is this however. Why, rather than give the Neo-idiots their due and just ignore them, were they confronted? By confronting them, you give them and their foolish ideas credence.

Monday, October 17, 2005


Do you remember that feeling as a kid when you got up early on Christmas morning, and peeked into the living room at the presents? You knew you couldn't open them yet, but you were too excited to go back to sleep? You saw that Santa had brought the new bike, and you were dying to go take it out and feel the wind flying in your hair?

Well, I had that feeling tonight. I am starting week seven of my run program. I was just about done, and could feel my body take over and go on automatic. I could feel my legs just piston up and down and my arms pump back and forth. My breathing was on auto-pilot, and my heart rate was up but as steady as a metronome. I know I'm not quite where I want to be yet, but I can see and feel the progress.

I finished my run and then took Shadow on his mile and a half walk. That made my total time just over 90 minutes of exercise, and I feel good. I will probably feel this tomorrow, but for now I am going to enjoy it.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Things are retaining to normal

Things in the household are finally returning to a normal routine. Shadow and I went out for our morning walk this morning. It was a bit cooler today than it has been, but that felt good.

We also got to play in the yard with his ball, and then do some training in the house. Now I'm in the middle of a laundry cycle. Normalcy and boring tasks never felt so good.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The Prodigal Pup

What was lost has been found! The prodigal pup has returned!

I had just left the Greenville Humane society and was headed to the lodge when I got the call. A family that lives on the street behind me had found Shadow. He had gotten tangled up between two trees with his leash and was waiting on me to come to the rescue.

Because he was found less than 10 yards from the families dog pen, and his good condition, I would suspect that he had been there less than 12 hours.

To all of you who supported me with your prayers and thoughts, my (and Shadow's) thanks somehow just seem to fall short. I have missed my four footed poop monster very much, and am overjoyed at his safe return.

Thank you , thank you, thank you one and all!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Shadow the Prodigal Son

Well, it's day 5, and still no Shadow. However, I've sent out a number of emails, and there are some very wonderful people out there who have heard my call and are helping in numerous ways. I feel truly blessed to have their help.

This does remind me though of the parable of the prodigal son, and his return. I guess when Shadow comes back, I'll have to serve up the fatted cat for him.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Still no Shadow

I took more time this weekend to search for Shadow and no luck. Friends came by to help with the search and they like wise had no luck.

I had to take some time yesterday for myself and get away from the house. I went to church and then to play golf. I felt so guilty afterwards that it almost wasn't worth it. I know I shouldn't feel that way, but I did. I just feel that if I'm not out looking for him 24/7, I'm letting him down. I've gone a quit on him. But I just don't know where else to turn. I've looked, posted flyers (still more to do) and brought in extra pairs of eyes. There still has been no luck in finding him. I just need to keep faith that he will come home safe and sound.

Friday, October 07, 2005

The Sun has Gone and Stolen my Shadow

Late last night I was letting Shadow outside so he could do his business. His leash (20' trainer) became entangled around the grill and dumped it. This panicked him and he took off. I searched in the rain last night for an hour and a half, and spent another hour and a half first thing this morning looking to no avail.

With the assistance of 4 wonderful people we searched for over 3 and a half hours for him, and still no success. With all the rain, I suspect that he has gone to ground. I have put out flyers and even the Fountain Inn police are on the lookout.

A quick word to that. While searching today, I stopped a passing patrolman. I gave him the flyer with Shadow's description, my phone number and Shadow's picture. He called before changing shifts, and asked if Shadow had been found. When I told him no, he told me he would be sure to pass along the flyer to the oncoming shift. I know that they have lots of things on their plate, but the kindness shown will not be forgotten. Promises made, are promises kept.

I can not properly express my thanks to ALL those who have helped me search for my best friend. From the folks at FHGRR, to the mailman, and the local UPS driver, all have expressed their sympathy, and support. This is an incredibly trying time, but the burden is much easier to bear with the help of all of you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

It's Hump Day!

It's hump day and I'm on a back-slide to the weekend!

I've had a productive week thus far and business looks like it is starting to increase.

In case you've missed it, my second article for the Foot Hills Golden Retriever Rescue group is online now. It turned out rather well, if I do say so myself.

Now I have to concentrate on getting my monthly newsletter together and writing an article for the November issue of the lodge's newsletter. It's not due until the 12th, but that is just around the corner.

This weekend will be spent getting my speech ready for Tuesday's Toastmaster's meeting. I have it outlined and the opening written. Now I just have to get my timing down and give it some polish.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

If You're Going to Florida, Be Nice!

The Gun Grabbers are at it again, this time in Florida. They are disseminating their fear tracts to put the pressure on Florida's lawmakers. If they can't make their argument against the personal ownership of firearms, they will try to scare them into capitulation of their rights. I'm surprised not to find references to global warming, social security, and health care in there as well. All three are the stock in trade for them.

While I am not an expert in the law, I found nothing in there that gives anyone the indiscriminate right to blaze away without fear of prosecution. It does say you may stand your ground if you are threatened with bodily harm. It says, that you own the patch of ground you're standing on, and retreat is not necessary.

That's a good thing, and here's why. Turning your back on danger is never a good idea (unless you are a Pierson's Puppeteer, of course). Once someone has escalated a situation where a reasonable person would fear for his life, self defense is justifiable.

Hopefully the lawmakers in Florida will stand their ground as well. I suspect they will.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

I Finished!

Ok, I'm back and cleaned up from my first 5k race. The race was here in Fountain Inn, SC and was to benefit the Laurens Hope foundation. While the world record is safely intact, I did manage to finish in a respectable 31:15. That's rather unofficial, and a little long, as I didn't stop my watch until I was far past the finish line, but that's ok too. I'll be looking for my time on the site later, as I had a timing chip on my shoe.

Now I have a time to beat at the end of the month at the Greenville 5k. My goal for this one was simple: sub-36 minutes, and I was happy. I turned the first mile in 9 minutes flat, and the second at 19:00. However, right after the 2 mile mark was a HUGE and very long uphill run, and that about killed me.

Well, I'm off for now to take care of some things for the house. More later.