Thursday, September 29, 2005

48 Hours and Counting!

I have two days left until the first 5k run. It seems really weird on my off run days to have some time before I have to get ready for work. On my run days, I finish with just enough time to shove some breakfast down my neck and get ready for work. Of course, that includes taking Shadow for his morning walk before I begin my run.

I am watching the series Lost on ABC. I became truly hooked by the series last season, and have not been disappointed by it this season. I recorded Invasion, and plan to watch it tonight. The first episode looked pretty good, so I'll give it a try. I don't watch that much TV, but I am very happy with Charter's DVR system. If you have it available in your area, it is worth the extra few dollars. Being able to record the shows I want to see, and watch them at my leisure, without having to worry about VCR tapes, etc. is very nice.

I am also looking forward to the opening weekend of Serenity. It is a movie based on a TV show that Fox cancelled called Firefly. SCI-FI channel has been running the series, and it's one of the better ones, in my opinion. Too bad it didn't make it for Fox.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Training Continues.

The training for the 5k on Saturday continues. Yesterday's run went very well.

Today I have gotten a touch closer to getting the house re-financed. I've gotten the paperwork done and had the house appraised. Now it's just a waiting game. If I get this done and the closing happens next week, it should save me quite a bit of cash, and take one more thing off of my plate.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

It's the end of the weekend.

It's the end of my weekend and a very busy week coming up for me. I've managed to get some things done here at the house, but not all I needed to do.

My Panthers managed to lose to the Dolphins, but I did manage to get in 27 holes of golf today. At least I managed to get some exercise in, so I don't feel like a huge slug.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Week Three is Done!

I've finished my run this morning and that brings to close week three. I'm fighting and clawing, but I'm getting it done.

If I can get on track today, I will still have a ton of things that must be done today. Included in that list of things is to come home for lunch today. I won't be home until late tonight because of the York Rite degree work, so I need to make it home for lunch.

I'm going to keep this one short but look for more this weekend.

Remember to keep the Texas and Louisiana folks in your prayers today.

Thursday, September 22, 2005


Well last night was the premiere of the new season of Lost. I really got to like this show last year, and have been looking forward to it for some time. The show did not disappoint. They picked right up where they left off last year and kept the story line flowing.

I also recorded the first episode of Invasion, which follows Lost. I'll get a chance to see it tonight I hope. I was just too wiped out to stay up too late last night.

I see Rita is now a category 5 hurricane and bearing down of the Houston area. We have a warehouse there and they are getting it ready to evacuate. They should be gone by today, and be out of harms way. Now we'll see if Houston residents learned anything from the New Orleans refugees among them and don't stick around, but heed the warnings and leave. I truly feel sorry for those New Orleans refugees that are in the Houston area. They just can't seem to catch a break.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Fall is here!

Well it's the first day of fall, and I have just gotten back from my morning run. It is a little cooler out there this morning but still feels more like summer than fall.

I committed yesterday to running a 5k race on Oct 1st here in Fountain Inn. This will be my first test to see how far along I am in my program. I will have been running for a month. I don't expect to finish in first, but I do expect to finish. It will also give me a benchmark to evaluate my performance at the 5k race at the end of the month.

I'm really hoping to dig myself out from under the mountain of mail and "stuff" that has accumulated during my absence. I'm not sure which will come first, the end of the stuff, or the end of the week. Somehow I think it will be the end of the week.

Monday, September 19, 2005

A story that bears watching

I have just seen this (it may be old news to some) but it is a story that bears watching closely.

I Beat the Monster!

Well, in a manner of speaking.

I went for my run tonight and pushed through the doubts and pain and finished. That's the "Monster" that creeps up on you when you're running. It whispers in your ear how hard it is, how you can't make it, how long you've run, etc. Well tonight I was beset by him and managed to push him away and finish my run! It's a minor victory in the grand scheme of things, but it's got me stoked!

I also have another monkey off of my back. I went to jury duty today and did not get selected. Since they only had a couple of cases that would go to trial this week, I was released. That means I have the rest of the week to get to work and get out from under the mountain that is there waiting on me. That's a whole 'nother monster!

But on the bright side, I have my dog home with me and he's lying in his usual place on the floor of the living room. It's really nice to have him home. Once again, thank you to Jeannie and Norm for keeping him for me!

Home Sweet Home!

I finally made it home last night around midnight, after driving back from Charlotte.

Now I'm off to go pick up my car, drop off the rental, and get some breakfast before reporting for jury duty. With any luck at all, I'll be released by noon and I'll take off for North Carolina to pick up Shadow.

I promise to try to get in my run this evening (I was just too worn out this morning), and catch up more on here as well. I have a couple of photos of the booth and such, if I can get them posted.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Last Day in Reno

Well today is my last day in Reno. I have a 2:00 pm flight to Dallas and then a connecting flight to Greenville. I should be home tonight if all goes well.

The trade show ended yesterday, and although there weren't a ton of orders, I made a number of good contacts.

I have lots to do, but will try to update this later, as time permits.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Reno and home sweet home

I am in the Reno/Sparks Convention Center writing this during a lull in the World Wide Distribution Trade show. There are several wireless networks around but the all seem to be peer to peer and none I can use to get to the net with. *sigh.

I completed day two of week two this morning on my run program. It was (for me) a very cold morning with the temperatures down in the mid to low forties. That’s the coldest I have been in quite some time. But at least I wasn’t sweating too much during my run.

I have a lot of homework to get to tonight from the show, and that will keep me busy for some time. I’ve already made some good contacts, although the orders are slow in coming. I’m putting together the notes from both shows so I can write them up when I get home.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Reno NV or bust

Well I managed to make it to Reno, NV without too much drama. The only hiccup came at the baggage claim station. Apparently Reno is short on baggage handlers and it took an eternity to get my bags. All that, and I'm still fighting my sinuses. What's a poor boy to do?

Oh well, I can hope that the dry air here will help settle them down. I won't say much for La Quinta hotels however. They advertise high speed internet, but only in the first floor rooms. So to get it I had to move to a smoking room. I suppose that's the price I'll have to pay this time, but I suspect that this will be the last time I book a hotel with them.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Day one at the NBS trade show

Well two things ended today: week one in my running program and day one at the trade show.

The run along the Trinity River is really nice. Now if I can just remember that as the run times increase!

Day one of the trade show is in the bag as well. It was a short day in the booth, but seemed to go on forever. Tomorrow will be longer, but should pass quickly.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Ft Worth Here I Come!

Well, I’ve made it through the TSA gauntlet and am sitting in the terminal waiting for my flight. There is no wireless access here in Greenville, so I will have to wait until I get to the hotel to actually post this. I’m expecting a smooth flight and easy trip to Dallas.

I see that the mayor of New Orleans has finally decided that forced evacuations are a good idea. Too bad he didn’t implement that before the hurricane. I’m sure that some folks would not have wanted to leave no matter what. But he could easily have packed up the metro and school busses with those who wanted to leave and have that many fewer evacuees to contend with now. I also see that calling them refugees has become politically incorrect. Now I know that the term now reflects those fleeing a war, but its’ deeper meaning is to those seeking refuge, or a safe haven, and does that not fit in this case? I certainly wouldn’t care what term you used to describe me were I in that situation. The relief from it would be far more important than any label used.

On a purely personal note, I took Shadow to North Carolina last night to spend the ten days or so that I’m gone with his former foster family. He fit right back into the environment, and look very happy to be there. That is one less thing that I will have to worry about now, and I’m very glad that they agreed to “foster” him again. Norm and Jeannie, you’re wonderful!

Well, I made it safe and sound to the hotel. I’ll unpack and get settled in before meeting Bill Jones for dinner and a quick strategy session.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Short and Sweet.

Tonight's my last full night with Shadow before leaving on my trip, so I'll be spending some quality time with my four footed poop monster. Tonight will be short and sweet.

I know it's been a stressful time in New Orleans, but has anyone listened to the mayor speak? I'm amazed that he was elected to that position. I'd love to have seen his campaign.

Monday, September 05, 2005

An Open Letter to President Bush

I've read and re-read the open letter to President Bush posted on Michael Moore's website.

If I found the man amusing before, I find his latest diatribe nauseating. He sits on his throne built on lies and spews forth his venom. I am glad that he has the freedom to post worthless dribble such as this but his manner of doing so leaves a lot to be desired.

Here are some excerpts from the letter:

"I especially like how, the day after the hurricane, instead of flying to Louisiana..."
What exactly does Mr Moore expect the president to be able to do in Louisiana that he couldn't do better and more efficiently elsewhere? Especially anywhere else that has power? Would his presence on the ground (along with the security incumbent with the office) have helped matters in the opening hours of the crisis? I hardly think so, and surely Mr Moore isn't dumb enough to think so either. He just wants his readers to be dumb enough to think that that is the case. Shame on you Mr Moore!

"And don't listen to those who, in the coming days, will reveal how you specifically reduced the Army Corps of Engineers' budget for New Orleans this summer for the third year in a row. You just tell them that even if you hadn't cut the money to fix those levees..."

Now it's also this President's fault that the levees were not high enough? I think I've addressed that issue earlier, but just for the record: at least 8 previous administrations, Republican and Democrat, had similar opportunities in my lifetime.

"No, Mr. Bush, you just stay the course. It's not your fault that 30 percent of New Orleans lives in poverty or that tens of thousands had no transportation to get out of town. C'mon, they're black! I mean, it's not like this happened to Kennebunkport. Can you imagine leaving white people on their roofs for five days? Don't make me laugh! Race has nothing -- NOTHING -- to do with this!"

But the most viscous and low of all was his playing the race card at the end. Despite his veiled attempt at sarcasm, he wants us to think that race is the issue here. Michael Moore, that reaches a new low, even for you. So please, stay in south Florida, but don't try to paint this presidency with the tar of racism. That is beneath you sir.

Vacation's Over

A friend of mine sent me the open letter to President Bush on Miichael Moore's website. I am going to re-read the letter and put my comment up later today. It is worth reading and thinking about. Now I'm not agreeing with what he says, but it does bear reading.

Happy Labor Day!

It's the final day of the long weekend, and I have a short week at the office in front of me.

So far the weekend has sped along at a rapid clip. Saturday was spent at Earth Fare with Foothills Golden retriever Rescue. There were a number of goldens there and several were adopted.
Sunday I played a round of golf and then went to take Mark his birthday present. He turned the ripe old age of 7, and loved the Hot Wheels car I got him. We had a wonderful time and it's always good to see her and her family. They've become a part of my family and I enjoy spending time with them.

Today's a busy day for me. Lots of housekeeping items that need to get accomplished and small things that need doing before I leave for my two city, two trade show Odyssey. Luckily for me, Shadows foster parents are excited about keeping him while I'm gone. That is so great of them, and takes a load off of my mind.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Everyone's Just Fine!

I've just gotten off of the phone with my familiy in Mississippi. They are fine, and weathering the storm as well as can be expected. There is some physical damage to barns and what not, but no damage to the people and that's what matters. We can replace things, but folks are harder to come by.

To those of you who had them in your prayers, my thanks. Please continue to keep praying for them for while they are fine now, this is not quite over yet.

It's a sad state of affairs

I've had to turn on the word verification feature for comments to my blog. I am sorry for the inconvenience, however it has become necessary. Already I've had one offer for a weight loss drug (and truly not needed) and another that appeared to be for computer repair. Although the second one I'm not as sure about. If it was a legitimate comment, then I am sorry to have deleted it, however the link you added appeared dead or otherwise not working.

The Nation

I posted this yesterday. I've got some time now to comment of this article, in some depth.

First off this is nothing more than a poor attempt at "gotcha" politics. This is the first article I've read by David Corn, so I can't comment on him, only this one article. However it is truly "gotcha politics". Now to be fair both sides engage in it, and both are equally wrong.

New Orleans has been below the water table for a heck of a lot longer than the Bush presidency (either one). To accuse him or his administration of being asleep at the switch is sheer folly. Numerous administrations, federal and state, have had the opportunity and means to heighten the walls of the levies. All have for one reason or another, chosen not to do so. Mostly, I suspect, they were gambling that the big one wouldn't hit, or bring as big a punch as it has. Very similar to the same way that folks are gambling that a large earthquake centered on the San Andreas fault line in California won't happen, and for much the same reasons. Economics. It is cheaper to do nothing than prepare for a one in a million shot. It is unfortunate, but none the less true. There are some things (Acts of God) that you just can not plan for, nor anticipate it's severity. You can game plan until you're blue in the face, but once the worst happens you do the best you can with what you have at the time.

I suspect that Mr. Corn has never been through a hurricane, nor seen first hand what it leaves in its passing. Roads are blocked, power lines down, streets flooded and general chaos. These I've seen first hand. Those that await the government to help them will wait. Those that help themselves and neighbors will fare far better. By helping themselves, I do not advocate (as Mr Corn does) looting the shops of your neighbors. That is abhorrent. To advocate such is nothing less than despicable.

Aid is coming into the region as fast as it is able. However, the wheels of the federal government grind slow.

Mr Corn's accusations are neither welcome nor timely. His tone is shrill and his message poor. The one thing I will say for him is that his call to give is indeed true. Please donate to the Red Cross as they are the best hope to get relief to those who need it quickest and best. There are other relief agencies out there. Visit FEMA for a list of organizations and please dig deep.

God Bless the United States, and may His mercy fall on those in need.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Pot shots

I don't have the time to properly comment on this but please take a moment to read this .

Now the game of "gotcha" has truly begun.