Friday, May 25, 2007

Degree Work at the Lodge and my thoughts on Clinton Portis

We had a second degree last night at the lodge and didn't make it home until late.

We're beginning to see the slow down here at the office for the summer. With a long weekend ahead and gas prices up, I think that will have an impact on sales this year. However, last year we saw a good summer despite the gas prices, so hopefully that will continue this year.

I had a chance to read the comments on dog fighting by Clinton Portis of the Washington Redskins. I have to say I was more than a little disgusted by the whole thing. How anyone can condone dog fighting is beyond me. He put his comments out there and apparently his agent or the organization had a little heart-to-heart talk with him, because the very next day he was retracting and trying to distance himself from his previous days comments. I'm afraid it is too little and too late for him on that front. Hopefully for him this story will die, and his comments will be forgotten, but the story is showing no signs of doing so.