Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Two entries, and both on the run.

I really didn't intend for this to be blog on running, but both of these posts are on running.

The circuit I run is 2 miles in length, with 3 good hills for variety. Tonight, rather than follow the program, I decided to break it up and just run the full 2 miles. My time wasn't exactly stellar (20 min), but with the difficulty of the hills I'm not really displeased.

I have had such a bad time this week with time. I was quite sure that the 5k run was this Saturday, but it is the 29th. Then for some unknown reason, I was convinced that today was Thursday. I'm really not sure where that came from either.

I have some thoughts on the riots in Toledo, OH. I will try to get them organized and up by tomorrow. The quick down and dirty is this however. Why, rather than give the Neo-idiots their due and just ignore them, were they confronted? By confronting them, you give them and their foolish ideas credence.


Chris Grantham said...

That's the beauty of the our system. You have a right to free assembly, along with free speech. We don't have to agree with what you say, no matter how nutty you may be.

Chris Grantham said...

Oh they (the neo-nutsies) knew that they would get the biggest reaction (and hence media coverage) if they marched through a predominantly black neighborhood. That was their hope and intent.