Sunday, October 02, 2005

If You're Going to Florida, Be Nice!

The Gun Grabbers are at it again, this time in Florida. They are disseminating their fear tracts to put the pressure on Florida's lawmakers. If they can't make their argument against the personal ownership of firearms, they will try to scare them into capitulation of their rights. I'm surprised not to find references to global warming, social security, and health care in there as well. All three are the stock in trade for them.

While I am not an expert in the law, I found nothing in there that gives anyone the indiscriminate right to blaze away without fear of prosecution. It does say you may stand your ground if you are threatened with bodily harm. It says, that you own the patch of ground you're standing on, and retreat is not necessary.

That's a good thing, and here's why. Turning your back on danger is never a good idea (unless you are a Pierson's Puppeteer, of course). Once someone has escalated a situation where a reasonable person would fear for his life, self defense is justifiable.

Hopefully the lawmakers in Florida will stand their ground as well. I suspect they will.

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