Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The Prodigal Pup

What was lost has been found! The prodigal pup has returned!

I had just left the Greenville Humane society and was headed to the lodge when I got the call. A family that lives on the street behind me had found Shadow. He had gotten tangled up between two trees with his leash and was waiting on me to come to the rescue.

Because he was found less than 10 yards from the families dog pen, and his good condition, I would suspect that he had been there less than 12 hours.

To all of you who supported me with your prayers and thoughts, my (and Shadow's) thanks somehow just seem to fall short. I have missed my four footed poop monster very much, and am overjoyed at his safe return.

Thank you , thank you, thank you one and all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome home, Shadow!! Everyone missed you, especially your daddy! Glad you were safe.

Rez (and my mom)