Sunday, October 23, 2005

A New Week Dawns

Ok, it doesn't quite dawn just yet, but it's not that far off.

Concerning the riots in Toledo and the Neo-nutsies.

The constitution acknowledges our right to free speech and freedom of association. Because that is so valuable a right, we must occasionally suffer through the silly utterances of fools. No matter how hateful that speech might be, no matter how foolish the ideas espoused, it is still their right to speak.

Those who bear the brunt of the neo-nutsies hate have every right to rebut their foolishness. By doing so however, you give legitimacy to the hate. The better play may have been to completely ignore them. The sum total of those spewing the filth was less than 30 (24 was the number I saw most). If that is the best that they can do, turning a deaf ear and blind eye to them would hasten their retreat into the dark and dusty corner of history where they belong. That is the hard road. That is the road less traveled.

The road that was traveled by some of the protesters puts a black eye on the whole sorry episode. Riots, looting and mayhem do not do their cause any good. Pelting ambulances with stones is not the path upon which they should have gone. More harm came to that community through the actions of a foolish few than from the hate filled speech of a tiny group of white supremacist.

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