Thursday, September 08, 2005

Ft Worth Here I Come!

Well, I’ve made it through the TSA gauntlet and am sitting in the terminal waiting for my flight. There is no wireless access here in Greenville, so I will have to wait until I get to the hotel to actually post this. I’m expecting a smooth flight and easy trip to Dallas.

I see that the mayor of New Orleans has finally decided that forced evacuations are a good idea. Too bad he didn’t implement that before the hurricane. I’m sure that some folks would not have wanted to leave no matter what. But he could easily have packed up the metro and school busses with those who wanted to leave and have that many fewer evacuees to contend with now. I also see that calling them refugees has become politically incorrect. Now I know that the term now reflects those fleeing a war, but its’ deeper meaning is to those seeking refuge, or a safe haven, and does that not fit in this case? I certainly wouldn’t care what term you used to describe me were I in that situation. The relief from it would be far more important than any label used.

On a purely personal note, I took Shadow to North Carolina last night to spend the ten days or so that I’m gone with his former foster family. He fit right back into the environment, and look very happy to be there. That is one less thing that I will have to worry about now, and I’m very glad that they agreed to “foster” him again. Norm and Jeannie, you’re wonderful!

Well, I made it safe and sound to the hotel. I’ll unpack and get settled in before meeting Bill Jones for dinner and a quick strategy session.

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