Friday, July 29, 2005

Out of the fire, into the water

Well the weather has finally changed from ultra hot, to ultra wet! While I won't swear I saw animals lining up two by two, it wouldn't have surprised me at all. The heavy thunderstorms of last night continued throughout today.

That will make tomorrow's golf tournament doubly tough. The course is long enough, and not getting any roll out of the fairway will make it that much longer. As long as I can keep to my game plan, I feel I'll at least give myself a shot.

I have been remiss on keeping a closer eye on the nomination of Judge Roberts. While nothing official has taken place yet (Congressional vacations, don't ya know), there is still plenty happening "off the record". Just a quick glance over the top stories, and it's obvious that the Democrats are starting to get their people in line and on the same page. It does see to be shaping up to be quite some fight.

I will keep this entry short, and get some things done here at the Bar Tab Ranch.

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