Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Cartoon Violence

I've been following with some interest all the unrest over the Danish publication of a cartoon featuring the Prophet Mohammed. I have some thoughts on this, and would like to share them .

I'd like to address the freedom of speech issue. The freedom of speech - one of the rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights- should always be tempered with propriety. The tastlessness of the cartoon as depicted in the news reports should upset not only Moslems, but other faiths as well. The levels of violence are not called for, but indignation, even outright anger, most certainly is. I am Christian, and am appalled by the depiction that has been described in the reports. Understand that I am not advocating violence in any fashion regarding the cartoon, it's artist, or those who publish it. I do think that expressing your dissatisfaction with the lack of editorial judgement used is worth while.

Tolerance of anothers views of religion are another brick in the foundation of our great nation. While some here in the United States believe it's a freedom from religion, not a freedom to have one's own religion. I certainly hope that no papers here in the U.S. allow such a travesty to soil their editorial pages.

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