Tuesday, April 06, 2010


When you go through trouble it allows you time to reflect. During the short time that Angela has been sick I have done that. I am amazed by the people who have surrounded us with their love. We have had friends come by with food. We have had friends offer up prayers. It seems everyone we talk to has had wonderful words of encouragement. Angela and I have been blessed with friends for a long time. However it wasn't until she became sick that we found out that we are truly blessed beyond measure. I can't get through a day without the friends we have. I am buoyed by them and keep going because of them.

Last night I had an opportunity to stop by and visit with a very dear friend. I felt much better after that and went home. When I got home, I found it full of other friends who had stopped by to visit with Angela. I felt like she and I had been surrounded for a time in a cocoon that kept all the troubles at bay, if for a short while.

On the day of Angie's surgery, I took just a few minutes in the waiting room to write down the thoughts that were going through my head. It's not time yet to share those here, but maybe one day I will.

Today is another day on our road to recovery. I know that we will get through today, not on our strength alone but with the strength that God gives us through our friends and family. I can not say thank you often our loud enough to Him, or to them.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are a good man with a good heart, Angie's lucky to have you as her husband and we are lucky to have you as a friend!!!!!
Thanks Chris !