Saturday, March 13, 2010

Where We are Now

Today is day three on the road to recovery for Angela. Although we haven't begun treatment yet, we are heading in the right direction.

Last night after dinner we did I suppose what many couples do when faced with cancer. We went to the local Barnes and Noble to look for books on treatment, recovery, support, anything that will help us make sense of something that can't be made to fit into a nice neat box. Yes, that's anger from me. Why did this happen? Why to us? Why is this happening now? How does God let this happen? I know that there aren't any answers to those questions. But that doesn't make them disappear.

This is a test. A test of patience. A test of faith. A test of everything that makes a marriage strong. Each day from here on is a blessing. We aren't promised tomorrow, so today will have to do.

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